Addi Ryckaert: ode to glass

My education

My education to master glass started at I.K.A. the (Institute of Art and Crafts) Mechelen, Belgium. In charge of the glass dept. at that time was Mrs. Miloslava Svobodova ( CZ). She was a great artist trained in this medium. This was the case both for the technical and for the artistic side of this glass. Under her guidance my education was completed. The full cycle of education took 6 years and was crowned with a degree for the various techniques. After the official course I realized the need to complete, to expand my education by attending various workshops, by national and international artists, This for specific aspects of this medium.

My Fascination

Since my youth I was strongly attracted tovarious form of ART, especially drawing. In daily live I had a white collar job and I felt a need to “CREATE“. A need to do something with my bare hand. Looking around and comparing the possibilities and limitations of various media and also because of an accidental poster, for a local glass exhibition. My choice was readily made. I took a dive in the world of glass. Glass being a very old medium, some 5500 years old. Bit always existing, up to now, within the human society and civilization. This gave me a feeling, a fascination, to this material. Even more so since I know from my training and working with glass the strength needed to reach your goal and to create, the ideas and inspiration one has. It does nog matter if I am looking at an antique work or a contemporary creation in glass. Always the attraction is near.

My Technique

After some working and experimenting the various techniques of this medium, it became very clear to me what my road would be. Some stained glass and some pate de verre were executed but the final burb was for MOULDCASTING.
The technique would be my nr. ONE. 

My works

Once mouldcasting was chosen the basic form most liked are squares and rectangular blocs. To this basic forms I added architectural or natural elements as to confirm the human influence on the nature and the world we live in. 
It does not matter for me if the material I use is called: glass , verre or crystal. The attraction of the final object counts. As for transparency I also follow my personal taste of making objects for which full transparency is not needed. Eventually only some light will be permitted. Many time my works have a milky appearance. Colour can express a feeling of once mood. For a long time I preferred the green and brown colours, but more and more 4 lively colours are showing. 

My Future

In future I do not exclude the change my technique towards mixed media “Sculptures“ could and will be the result of a future change. To achieve this I would seek cooperation with glassblowers.  Since working the glass is still a fascination and a pleasure I will go on. The challenge is still present. Together with my partner we started an important collection of contemporary and some antique items in glass. We cherish the idea to maintain and expand this collection in the future. Some objects have been collected in trips from far away and they carry nice stories for us within them. The final goal will be to put all items for public display.
To conclude ... as long these positive feelings remain we will stay working this medium. 

Addi Ryckaert